ASME B31.3-2022 Process Piping

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Item number: 9780791875346

Enhance Your Piping Systems with ASME B31.3

ASME B31.3 sets the standard for the design and construction of process piping systems commonly found in petroleum refineries, chemical plants, pharmaceutical facilities, textile mills, paper plants, semiconductor manufacturing, cryogenic plants, and other related processing plants and terminals. This comprehensive standard addresses all aspects of piping systems, from materials and components to design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing.

Key Features of ASME B31.3

  • Industry-Specific Requirements: Tailored for industries such as petroleum refining, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, textiles, paper, semiconductors, and cryogenics.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Encompasses materials, design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of piping systems.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures adherence to industry regulations and safety standards.

  • Operational Efficiency: Enhances the design, construction, and maintenance of piping systems, leading to improved operational efficiency and safety.

Who Should Use ASME B31.3?

This standard is essential for engineers, designers, fabricators, inspectors, and project managers involved in the specification, design, construction, and maintenance of process piping systems in the aforementioned industries. It is also valuable for regulatory bodies and industry professionals seeking to ensure compliance with the highest safety and performance standards.

Invest in ASME B31.3 to ensure your piping systems meet the rigorous demands of modern industrial processes.


Product Details

Published Date: January 31, 2023

ISBN: 9780791875346

ANSI Approved: Yes

Number of Pages: 587

File Size: Two files, 18 MB total

Product Code: A0372T

Availability Notice: This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus

ASME B31.3-2022 Process Piping FAQ

What is ASME B31.3-2022?

ASME B31.3-2022 is the latest edition of the Process Piping Code, providing guidelines and requirements for the design, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of process piping systems

What industries use ASME B31.3?

This code is used in petroleum refineries, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, paper, textile, semiconductor, cryogenic plants, food and beverage processing facilities, and related processing plants and terminals

What types of fluids does ASME B31.3 cover?

It covers piping systems for raw, intermediate, and finished chemicals, petroleum products, fluidized solids, gas, steam, air, water, refrigerants, and cryogenic fluids

What are the key components of ASME B31.3?

The code covers scope, definitions, design conditions, materials, fabrication, assembly, erection, inspection, examination, testing, and pressure testing

How does ASME B31.3 ensure safety in piping systems?

It provides comprehensive guidelines for design, construction, and operation, addressing factors like pressure, temperature, material selection, and testing to ensure system integrity and reliability

What's new in the 2022 edition?

The 2022 edition includes updates and changes to various sections. For specific details, refer to the official ASME documentation

Does ASME B31.3-2022 include any errata?

Yes, it includes Errata 1 (2023) and Errata 2 (2023), which provide corrections or clarifications to the main document.

How often is ASME B31.3 updated?

ASME typically updates this standard every few years to incorporate new technologies, practices, and safety considerations.

What is the design life for piping systems under ASME B31.3?

ASME B31.3 piping systems are typically designed for 20 to 30 years of service life

How does ASME B31.3 differ from ASME B31.1?

ASME B31.3 is for process piping in chemical plants, while B31.1 is for power piping in power plants. B31.3 has a lower factor of safety and is designed for shorter service life compared to B31

Does ASME B31.3 cover packaged equipment piping?

Yes, the B31.3 code also covers packaged equipment piping design