BPVC.V - BPVC Section V-Nondestructive Examination (2023 Edition)

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Item number: 9780791875797

This title accurately represents the 2023 edition of Section V of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), focusing on Nondestructive Examination. Published by ASME International on July 1, 2023, this standard is a crucial component of the BPVC, providing comprehensive guidelines for nondestructive examination methods in the boiler and pressure vessel industry.

Key Features

Scope and Content The 2023 edition of ASME BPVC Section V contains:

  • Requirements and methods for nondestructive examination referenced by other BPVC sections
  • Manufacturer's examination responsibilities
  • Duties of authorized inspectors
  • Requirements for qualification of personnel, inspection, and examination

Examination Methods The standard covers various nondestructive examination techniques designed to detect surface and internal discontinuities in materials, welds, and fabricated parts and components. These include:

  • Radiographic Examination
  • Ultrasonic Examination for Welds and Materials
  • Liquid Penetrant Examination
  • Magnetic Particle Examination
  • Eddy Current Examination
  • Visual Examination
  • Leak Testing

Structure The document is organized into:

  • Subsection A: Delineates nondestructive examination methods
  • Subsection B: Contains adopted ASTM standards for nondestructive examination methods
  • Mandatory and non-mandatory appendices

2023 Edition Updates

Notable changes in the 2023 edition include:

  • Modification of Article 1, T-120(e) to include exceptions to SNT-TC-1A and CP-189
  • Addition of a new Mandatory Appendix for Article 12 on acoustic emission instrumentation sensitivity evaluation
  • New requirements for Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) without supplemental near-surface scanning
  • Revision of Article 9, para. T-953 on Remote Visual examination to accommodate unmanned aircraft vehicles and systems
  • Adoption of updated ASTM Specifications documents

This comprehensive standard is essential for manufacturers, users, constructors, designers, and regulatory bodies involved in the design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of pressure vessels.


Product Details

Published: 07/01/2023

ISBN(s): 9780791875797

Number of Pages: 1007

Part of: ASME BPVC-2023 SET, ASME BPVC-2023 SET with Binders

Product Code(s): 400050

Note: This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus


What is ASME BPVC.V-2023?

ASME BPVC.V-2023 is Section V of the 2023 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, which focuses on Nondestructive Examination methods for boilers and pressure vessels.

What does ASME BPVC.V-2023 cover?

This section contains requirements and methods for nondestructive examination, including manufacturer's examination responsibilities, duties of authorized inspectors, and requirements for qualification of personnel, inspection, and examination.

What are the main examination methods covered in ASME BPVC.V-2023?

The standard covers various nondestructive examination methods intended to detect surface and internal discontinuities in materials, welds, and fabricated parts and components.

Who should use ASME BPVC.V-2023?

This standard is intended for manufacturers, users, constructors, designers, and others involved in the design, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, inspection, and testing of pressure vessels.

What are some key updates in the 2023 edition of ASME BPVC.V?

The 2023 edition includes new NDT procedures for inspecting pressure vessels made of advanced materials like titanium and nickel alloys, updated requirements for NDT personnel qualification, and new rules for using additive manufacturing technologies to manufacture NDT equipment.

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 relate to other sections of the BPVC?

ASME BPVC.V-2023 is referenced and required by other BPVC Sections, providing the nondestructive examination requirements for various types of pressure equipment covered in those sections.

What is the significance of complying with ASME BPVC.V-2023?

Compliance helps users meet applicable regulations within their jurisdictions while achieving operational, cost, and safety benefits from industry best practices detailed in the standard.

How often is ASME BPVC.V updated?

Like other sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V is updated and released every two years.

Does ASME BPVC.V-2023 address new technologies in nondestructive examination?

Yes, the standard incorporates new NDT methods and procedures for advanced materials, such as phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) and computed radiography (CR).

Where can I find more information about the changes in ASME BPVC.V-2023?

ASME provides a Summary of Significant Changes document, and various organizations offer training courses on the 2023 BPVC changes.

What are the main nondestructive testing (NDT) methods specified in ASME BPVC.V-2023?

The standard includes a wide range of NDT methods, such as:

  • Radiographic Testing (RT)
  • Ultrasonic Testing (UT), including Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
  • Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)
  • Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT)
  • Eddy Current Testing (ET)
  • Visual Examination (VT)
  • Acoustic Emission Testing (AE)

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 address personnel qualification for NDT?

The standard requires that personnel performing NDT be qualified and certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A or CP-189. It also includes updated requirements for training, experience, and examination to ensure competency.

What are the requirements for documentation in ASME BPVC.V-2023?

The standard mandates detailed documentation of NDT procedures, equipment calibration, test results, and personnel qualifications. This ensures traceability and compliance with regulatory and quality assurance requirements.

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 handle advanced NDT methods like computed radiography (CR)?

The 2023 edition includes updated provisions for advanced NDT techniques such as computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR), and phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT), reflecting advancements in technology.

What are the calibration requirements for NDT equipment under ASME BPVC.V-2023?

The standard specifies strict calibration requirements for all NDT equipment to ensure accuracy and reliability. Calibration must be performed regularly using traceable standards.

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 address safety during NDT procedures?

afety is a critical focus of the standard. It provides guidelines for radiation safety during radiographic testing, safe handling of chemicals used in liquid penetrant testing, and proper use of ultrasonic equipment to prevent harm to operators or the environment.

Does ASME BPVC.V-2023 include acceptance criteria for defects?

No, Section V does not include acceptance criteria for defects. Instead, it provides the methods and procedures for detecting discontinuities. Acceptance criteria are typically found in other sections of the BPVC or project-specific specifications.

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 address environmental considerations?

The standard encourages environmentally friendly practices by incorporating advanced digital testing methods like computed radiography and phased array ultrasonic testing, which reduce the need for hazardous chemicals or materials.

Can ASME BPVC.V-2023 be used for materials other than metals?

While primarily focused on metallic materials, some NDT methods outlined in the standard can be adapted for use with non-metallic materials, such as composites or plastics, depending on project requirements.

What is the relationship between ASME BPVC.V and ISO standards?

Many of the NDT methods in ASME BPVC.V align with international ISO standards. However, users should verify specific project requirements to ensure compliance with both ASME and ISO standards when applicable.

Are there specific guidelines for additive manufacturing (AM) components in ASME BPVC.V-2023?

Yes, the 2023 edition includes new provisions for inspecting components made using additive manufacturing technologies. This reflects the growing use of AM in pressure vessel construction.

How does ASME BPVC.V-2023 address weld inspections?

The standard provides detailed guidelines for inspecting welds using various NDT methods such as radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, magnetic particle testing, and liquid penetrant testing to ensure weld integrity.

What resources are available to help professionals understand and implement ASME BPVC.V-2023?

ASME offers training courses, webinars, code interpretations, and commentaries to help professionals understand and apply the requirements of Section V effectively. Additionally, many third-party organizations provide specialized training in NDT techniques.